Muhammad Ali turned 70 this past week. Ali is still fighting the good fight against his health ailments. While Penn State legend Joe Paterno succumb to lung cancer in State College, PA at the age of 85. Both men have been the subject of greatness and controversy. Most recently Paterno was fired after nearly 50 years of being a Penn State football assistant then head coach. He was let go after his former defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky sex scandal, child molestation charges. Patero's health became worse around January 13th according to reports. Ali continues to battle Parkinson disease. Many recall Ali saying no to being drafted during the Vietnam War and having his boxing license revoked. Nevertheless both men are still remembered for all the great and good things they did in their respective sports and more importantly the kind deeds they did for others. May Ali continue to be the greatest and live the duration of his time on earth in peace. May Joe Paterno rest in peace.
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